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  • Will the books be available in every language?
    They will not be, no. For the moment, we are focusing on language learning for Ukrainian refugees. We are, therefore, developing translations into Ukrainian and Russian from English and Dutch.
  • Are you outsourcing the illustrations?
    Nope! The entire work is by Daisy Willems, a talented and skilled author and illustrator.
  • Why dachshunds? Why not german shepherds or poodles?
    My real-life dachshunds served as the inspiration and models for the two sausage dogs in the book!
  • Will you be giving away any copies of the book?
    That is our goal! We intend to give away copies to Ukrainian children, subsidizing those books by selling other copies to families and schools.
  • Is it just the same book in English/Dutch and Ukrainian/Russian?
    It's not only the same book, but developed as a language primer. English and Dutch will appear alongside Ukrainian and Russian, for fast and simple learning.
  • What genre is this book?
    There are elements of both the adventure and genres in this children's book. It's also an art book, if you count the illustrations!
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